Since 1984 dedicated to the Provision of the Pilotage Service.
We are an advanced company that provides specialized services in the area of practical piloting in the jurisdiction of the port of Santa Marta.
About Us

We are an advanced company that provides specialized services in the area of practical piloting in the jurisdiction of the port of Santa Marta. We base our quality on a group of experienced, reliable, safe and honest pilots who are supported by a human team with great capacity and a sense of belonging to the company. The excellence of our services is for the company a great commitment to meet the needs and exceed the expectations of our customers. We are committed to safety at sea and on land, as well as protecting the environment.
Achieve a high recognition of our clients and the port authorities in our management of practical pitotoje and expand our provision of services or new ports and areas of the Colombian geography by the year 2O26.
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Servicios Técnicos Marítimos S.A.S. Its intention is to provide a high quality service relating this to productivity, taking advantage of both human and physical resources so that this set generates a great dynamic.
As a pilotage company and active in the logistics chain of operations carried out in the jurisdiction of Puerto de Santa Marta and committed to the continuous improvement of its processes, legal provisions and risk management, it works on the prevention of situations related to the trafficking of illicit merchandise, corruption, bribery, terrorism and money laundering within them, for this it undertakes to implement and promote, both internally and externally, a Control and Security Management of its administrative and operational operations, increasing in this way the security and not the traffic of illicit and terrorism.

Strengthen the provision of the pilot service in a safe environment avoiding the incursion of drug trafficking, smuggling and / or terrorism.

Ensure effective supervision of administrative facilities to ensure safe and reliable service provision.

Maintain a staff committed to the security of the organization's operations and / or equipment
That makes us different?

Sense of Belonging
I respect
Our office